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Start promoting your business in La Mirada today!

Take this opportunity to claim your listing in the La Mirada Chamber local business directory. A free directory listing is open to all La Mirada businesses in qualified business categories. Chamber members receive enhanced directory features. Once you have registered and log in, complete your profile by adding important business information and navigate people straight into your business.

How to join our La Mirada business directory in 5 steps:
  1. Find directory listing and click the “Claim Listing” button.
  2. Fill in your email and username.
  3. Check your email for login information.
  4. Click the link to set your password.
  5. Log in and complete your listing information.
Step-by-step registration instructions

Listings for everyone

The La Mirada Chamber wants to help sustain local businesses. During this challenging business environment, claim your directory listing to ensure that local residents can find your business.


Free listing for La Mirada businesses. No active Chamber membership required.
Provided to Non-Members
Photo Gallery
Email Address
Website URL
Opening Hours


Enhanced listing for La Mirada businesses. La Mirada Chamber CHAMPION MEMBERSHIP required.
Included with Champion Membership
Photo Gallery
Email Address
Website URL
Opening Hours
Social Media
Featured Listing
Event Listings (Unlimited)
Special Offers (Unlimited)

Join these La Mirada Chamber Member businesses

Working together to grow your business, the La Mirada economy, and the community’s overall quality of life

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